Sunday, January 14, 2007

5 things

Pirate Jessica tagged me with the whole 5 things people don't know about you, and so I better get around to that. The only problem is that I'm not that mysterious so the things are probably quirks or things others could guess. But here goes.

1) Escalators make me extremely nervous
Eever since I was five or six and in Prince George and I saw some kid get his boot caught in the escalator at Sears and the fire department had to come escalators make me extremely nervous and if there is a choice between an escalator/elevator or stairs I'll choose the latter two. Always. Don't even get me started on the escalator at Granville Street station in Van.

2) I've never read anything by Kerouac
I've always been meaning to and whenever a conversation about a Kerouac play or novel comes up I always look serious and nod in agreement as if of course I know that, I've read that book a millions times! Truth is that I've read it none. And yetI've managed to have conversations about Kerouac as if have. Should probably get around to that soon. Although faking it does seem to be working.

3) I think I could have slight obsessive compulsive tendancies
I;ve come to terms that it's probably not normal to wake up during the night to make certain the door is locked, or to turn the car around to check to see if the straightening iron is still on. Yet I do both quite frequently.

4) I hit something with my car at least 3 times a week.
A curb. A sidewalk. Another car. Cement blocks. Fences. Shopping carts. Shhh, don't tell anyone. It gives my car "love scrapes".

5) I'm a neat freak....but hate cleaning.
There's nothing worse than a disorderly home. A little bit of clutter is ok but I like a place neat. Especially the kitchen and bathroom. But even though I like doing dishes I hate vacuuming and cleaning the tub. So when I move to my new place I think I'm going hit the pinnacle of lazy and get a housekeeper to come in once a week to do those things. I'm much too busy blog surfing and being lazy to be bothered.

There you have it, me and all my neurosis!


Anonymous said...

im not surprised about you hitting something with your car on an average of three times a week... but that is why i love you.. and why the passenger seat has my claw marks etched into them.

It's Me! said...

Ok, so Escalators: extremely nerve wracking...I get nervous too.
Kerouac: HIGHLY overrated.
Obsessive: who wants to burn down their apartment? totally normal
Hitting things with car: totally a stress-reliever!
Neat-freak: the benefits of a clean house without having to lift a finger...sounds like a job for some robot that hasn't been invented yet!
I think you're normal! But then, this may be a case of the blind leading the blind....hmm...yarrr?

katiegoestoasia said...

Here are five things you didn't know about me:

1) I miss you.
2) It seems there hasn't been enough of you and yours and me and mine running into eachother at the Central lately.
3) I will be there this Friday.
4) I think you should be there as well.

... okay. I could actually only come up with four things and also none of that was as clever as I imagined it would be. Alrighty then.

Lorne L said...

Some people may also be ignorant to the fact that your dream is to one day become...a stripping lawyer.