Monday, June 18, 2007

living off carrots and tea

So I've decided to try the new fad of the month. Detox diets. Long story short-between 7-10 days of no sugar/flour/wheat/caffeine/processed foods/dairy/alcohol etc. Pretty much all the yummy stuff in the world gone. What do I eat now? Good question. I've had to get creative and actually broke down and have been cooking.

Homemade tomato soup, steamed spinach, salads, stirfries with brown rice, quinoa, fresh juices and teas. Also a homemade lemonade that is supposed to be detoxifying that has agave syrup, fresh lemons and a touch of cayanne. Sounds weird but is really good.

The weird thing is as much as I started hating it by day 2 and the appeal was lost it's working. My bad head cold is almost gone in a matter of 2.5 days. I am cranky from lacking caffeine but don't have the energy highs and lows. I had a five min nap after work rather than the usual 2 hour one. Fresh vegetables are appealing to me and I've even broken down and have ate some fruit.

The point of being so mean to myself is that through all the processed crap we eat your body starts to become toxic. Then because you get used to it, you crave the sugar highs and the carbs cause you need them to help you recover fromt he lows much like a drug. Then your brain craves the crap food and it becomes an unhealthy cycle which wreaks havoc on your system.

Only 4 days left and I'm rearing to go. If only I would stop craving white bread and brownies this would be so much easier.

1 comment:

It's Me! said...

I totally agree...I just don't have the ability to do it myself...I don't have the will-power. I have however cut out the am coffee and drink green tea I just get coffee in the pm. Sigh. The caffeine monster secretly controls me. And the cheesecake monster has an even higher position on the food chain. I swear, if I could live off cream cheese danishes from Timmy Ho's and Chai Lattes from Starbucks without any negative consequences, I would be able to summon world peace. I would be all powerful!