Wednesday, February 20, 2008

One Year Anniversary

It was just over a year ago today that I ended my relationship with my boyfriend at the time. I wasn't bitter but I sure wasn't looking to start anything new. Isn't that how it always works out though.

I was out and about with my girlfriends, wasn't even dressed up and we caught eyes. I was skeptical and didn't think it was going to work. I didn't even want you for crying out loud, I just felt sorry for you. And all my friends seemed to like you.In fact for the first month there was an entire bout of denial. I DON'T like you. I DON'T want to be with you. But low and behold feelings started forming and I found myself wondering about how you were during the day and enjoying spending time with you. I was hooked, line and sinker or however it goes.

Over the past year we've had our ups and downs. You hog the bed, you're too demanding and sometimes you don't seem to realize that I need space. Of course you're always there to greet me after work, don't judge my bad singing in the shower and have to spend a bare minimum of ten minutes cuddling each day. And how can I judge another redhead, muchless one who likes sushi.

It's hard to believe that it's been a year already but I think this is one of the most meaningful relationships I've had in a long time. And I can't imagine it changing.

Here's looking at you, Tinkerbell.


Maxie said...

awww happy anniversary to you and your fabulous kitty!

Sarah K said...

You are such a brat. I was so confused, despite the picture of you with Tink.

It's been a year already?

maverick said...

thts so cute...adorable cat..cute pic btw..n happy anniversary :)

Anonymous said...

Uhh, Meghan, you and I both know the cat's real name is Trogdor. Don't even try to pretend it's not.

Unknown said...

Maxie- thanks darlin!

Sarah- I know, seems like yesterday I was trying to pawn her off on others. Maybe it was...

Maverick-she's super cute. And I don't evem like cats.

Nick- you lie. Her real name is Coney.

Steph said...

haaahaha! Loved it.

Melissa said...

Actually Nick, if you go on to Mike's page of comments from 1897 Meghan once said something like "If I ever had a cat I would name it Mr. Farty Fart Farty." So techinically Tink's real name is "Mr. Farty Fart Fart Tinkerbell."

Anonymous said...

hahah great one!